Because some things need to be said

Someone told me yesterday: “you know, you really need to write a blog.” In truth, it’s something I have been contemplating for a long time. It’s not because I am particularly brilliant, or have any ideas unique to that marketplace of ideas of which justice Holms wrote so eloquently, but because society tends to frown on deep, introspective discussion of the human experience, and some things just need to be said.

This is not a blog which will delve into the dark side of human nature, nor will we look at people through rose colored glasses. Here I present the truth as I see it, the good, the bad, the ugly. There will be times when you will disagree with me, sometimes strongly. By all means, go ahead, just do so with respect. There may be times when I offend you or make you angry. Be angry if you must, but know that I mean no offense. Now that we’ve got that straight, come join me in uncensored reflections on the human condition.

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